Houston, family, & The Circling Hour

So I went to Houston last week for my sister's wedding, and got back Sunday night. Man, was it a blast! I can't believe I hadn't seen my sister in 2 years. How horrible is that?
It was great just hanging out with family, eating great food, drinking copious amounts of beer, and of course playing the Peers family staple game: gin. It makes me want to move back east even more. As Sarah mentioned in her most recent blog, we're not sure if we'll be able to make the move to Rochester in December. We might have to move after the baby's born; around June or so. That'd be disappointing, but oh well. As long as we move...
While in Houston, I was able to go to Ecclesia Sunday morning before leaving for the airport. It was great to finally go there and experience it after reading about it & listening to their message mp3s for so long. I'm glad my parents and grandfather were able to go. It was everything I imagined & more. I hope I can be part of a community someday.
In other news, I recieved Iona's latest CD "The Circling Hour" in the mail this week. They've been one of my favorite bands for years, & it's been 6 years since their latest studio album. The album is amazing. I can tell it's not coming out of my CD player for months. Frank's drumming is much more prominent on this album than in the past, which of course I love. He's probably one of my biggest influences style wise. So for anyone up for Celtic, Progressive Rock, Folk, Classical, Jazz music, this album's a must have. Long live Iona!
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