The Film Talk
Hey people. For any other movie fans out there, I’ve got a great website/podcast I’d highly recommend. Gareth Higgins, my favorite movie critic and author of How Movies Helped Save My Soul, has teamed up with a friend of his to create The Film Talk. The Podcast is basically a review of a particular movie every week. The interaction between Jett & Gareth is great, and they point out a lot of neat stuff.
Recently, they discussed No Country For Old Men, The Assassination of Jesse James, & There Will Be Blood, which I found really interesting. Gareth points out that all three films essentially deal with an aspect of "America’s Shadow" & some of America’s foundational myths.
There Will Be Blood looks at the issues of land, greed, & the inevitable isolation that greed leads to. Like a lot of critics, Jett is keen on the similarities between Kubrick’s 2001 and this film.
No Country For Old Men is essentially about eradicating people that get in your way, which of course America did to the Native Americans. The ultimate point of the film being good people are just at a loss sometimes confronting evil.
The Assassination of Jesse James (my favorite out of the three) examines how we throw celebrity status on people who are famous for doing bad things. This definetely feels like a Terrence Malick film to me. I guess it’s kind of odd I really enjoy movies like this. Sarah fell asleep watching this one. Also, the soundtrack for this movie is one of the best I’ve heard.
So anyways, check out their podcast. Anyone else see these films? What’d ya think?