Hello all. I haven't felt like blogging much lately. Sarah & I were planning on moving back home to Rochester next month, but we realized it'd be a much smoother transition if we did it after our baby's born. So right now, we're looking at sometime in May.
Sarah's interview there a few weeks ago went great. They loved her and were really eager for her to start working there. But man, the pay there sucks; compared to other places at least. We've been working on a budget, to see if we could survive out there with just her income so that I could concentrate on finishing school, and it's gonna be really tight. It's been so frustrating recently that there's a part of each of us that thinks we should stay here 'til I graduate. She'd make so much more money out here, and we'd easily be able to pay our bills and live comfortably.
I'm so torn. And to be honest, I really don't know what's going on. God has really planted a passion for Rochester in our hearts the past couple years. Our hearts are really burdened for the city, and we can't wait to go back, establish roots, and really live out the vision God has been giving us for our lives there. But every time we inch closer to the move, something prevents us from going there, mainly finances.
The thought of staying in Phoenix another 2 years or so just sickens me. I look around me in Phoenix, and I just think, "I'm done with it; just done, it's time to move on." We've got great friends here, but still I can't get Rochester out of my mind. I don't understand why God would really put this passion in our hearts for Rochester, but only keep us here, stuck.
I look at the Bible, and I see God tell Abraham to get up and go the place He called them to. Just get up and go, and trust Me to provide. But then Jesus asks what man constructs something without first estimating the cost, and seeing if it's doable before preceding? Ah, the beautiful tension of Scripture. So be praying for us.
So my blog isn't too depressing I'll mention some other stuff. We are looking so much forward to our baby. We're overwhelmed with joy as the baby approaches. Next month, we'll have our first ultrasound, and we'll see whether it's a boy (Aidan Thomas) or a girl (Kendall McKenzie). Sarah already had 1 baby shower with her friends from school. Having baby stuff around the apartment is pretty cool. And it's finally cooling down in Phoenix. And you know what that means: perfect pipe smoking weather. I've got a new pipe I'm breaking in, which is always fun. As I smoke my pipe in the evenings, it's just warm enough to be comfortable, but just cool enough to where the pipe & smoke provide some comfort and warmth. Well, I'm gonna go have a smoke. God bless and have a great Thanksgiving.
Whatever you do and wherever you go, God is with you. I pray He gives you guidance and peace that transcends all understanding. No matter if/when you guys move to Rochester, you're one of my best friends. I wouldn't be the same person I am, if it weren't for some of our talks and the things you've introduced me to, and even walked me through (emerging church conversation, donald miller, appreciation of beer, etc.)!
Is it sinking in that you're going to be a dad? It's strange, isn't it? [Please excuse any cliche in the following sentences, but] Being a dad is a lot like being a Christian, in the sense that, in a lot of ways, it's not really about what you want for yourself, but about what is best for someone else -- in this case, the baby. I'm excited for you and hope to be a help in this part of your journey.
A morning smoke?! I don't know if I've ever done that ... but it sounds like a really peaceful and reflective way to start the day. If the weather was better here right now (it's currently 39 degrees F), I'd try it too. Let me know how it goes.
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